Sunday, October 14, 2012

Share the love

This evening I'm attending a fabulous event being held to celebrate Oxfam's 70th Birthday. 
   As Oxfam began in Oxford, there is going to be an evening of stories, music, videos and all sorts of fun information about the charity and it's 70 years of work held in the Oxford Playhouse. 

  There are a huge range of people performing, from actors to chefs, journalists to street dancers. However, the diversity of this event made me realise just how influential Oxfam is, and what amazing work it has done for the last 70 years. Furthermore, it is important to realise how we can do a little something every day to make someone else's life that little bit better. Whether this is donating to a charity, or simply helping an old person across the road, we can all do something to make someone smile.

Here at Rebagz, we take environmental and humanitarian issues very seriously, hence why we pay our workers a fair wage and use only recycled materials in our bags. Other companies have policies too, to try make their impact on the world a positive one. For instance, Starbucks coffee is all fair trade, and even huge companies such as McDonald's (who are slated for being terribly irresponsible) have charities and foundations that they support and endorse. 

 What can you do today to make a difference?
Here are a few little ideas for you!

1) Buy something local. 
In an age where most of our food is grown on the other side of the world, or our clothing is made in China, we often forget local businesses. Pay your local grocery store a visit, or recommend a local shop to a friend and help them gain more customers. 

2) Research a charity. 
Whether you want to donate something (a great way to clear your wardrobe!), or even volunteer, most charities have websites with plenty of helpful information as to how to get involved. 

3) Turn down your AC.
By making your home 2 degrees warmer, you'll save a tonne of electricity, and money! 

4) Recycle. 
If you don't already recycle, find out about recycling in your area. Furthermore, see what you can reuse around the house. Scrap paper or printing mistakes? Use the clean side for to-do lists, or even printing draft copies of documents. We swear by this at Rebagz HQ!!

5) Smile. 
Remember that a smile is infectious, and makes you feel great too! Make someone's day by giving them a smile or paying them a compliment. Simple. 

Bex x 

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